Scientific and technical information expert
Date of birth: 01.11.1975.
North-Caucasus Ecological College, specialty: "Environmental safety and rational use of natural resources" (with distinction), 1997.
International Ecological (Noospheric) University, specialty: "Use of natural resources" (with distinction), 1999.
Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities, specialty: "Biology" (with distinction), 2003.
Work information:
Since March 1998, she worked at the Pyatigorsk State Scientific-Research Institute as Senior Assistant of the Scientific unit, Patent Specialist of the Restorative Medicine Research Engineering Section, Senior Assistant of the Restorative Medicine Research Engineering Section, then got position of the Junior Researcher of the Restorative Medicine Research Engineering Section. June, 2009 to December 31th, 2018 – Head of the Scientific Research and Information Coordination Sector in the Scientific and Organizational Department. January 1st, 2019 to January 11st, 2023 - Acting as a Head of the Scientific Research and Information Coordination Sector in the Scientific and Organizational Department.
Number of publications – 6; number of citations – 7; Hirsch index – 2.
Was awarded with the Honorary certificate of the FMBA of Russia, the Honorary certificate of еhe Governor of Stavropol Krai, Caucasian Mineral Waters Administrative Office, Pyatigorsk Administrative Office.
Scientific interests: balneology and rehabilitation, rational use of natural resources.