Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Senior Researcher
Date of birth: 29.10.1976, Omsk Oblast’
SPIN-code: 6349-4460, AuthorID: 714648, ORCID: 0000-0003-1782-3217
Graduated from Omsk Regional Medical College (Omsk) (1997) – diploma with honors in the “Obstetrics” specialty.
Graduate of the Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports (SibSUPC, Omsk) (2003) diploma with honors in the “Physical culture for disabled people” specialty, adaptive physical culture expert (profile – Therapeutic physical culture).
Graduate of Omsk State Pedagogical University (OmSPU, Omsk) (2008) diploma with honors in the “Biology” specialty, biology teacher.
Successfully completed post-graduate studies in the specialty 03.03.01 – “Physiology” (2008).
Defended her thesis on the topic: “Optimizing the psychophysiological state of athletes by the influence of beta-stimulating training” (2009, Cheboksary)
Received professional retraining in the following fields:
“Personnel Management” program (302 hours, 2017), Dostoevsky Omsk State University
“Management of a non-profit sports club” program (250 hours, 2018), Russian International Olympic University
“Physical culture, health-improving and sports mass work with the population” program (300 hours, 2021), Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE)
“Psychological counseling and psychological personality diagnostics” program (650 hours, 2021), National Academy of Additional Training (diploma of professional retraining).
“Internet Marketing” program (454 hours, 2022), Dostoevsky Omsk State University (diploma of professional retraining).
Has received 7 advanced training courses during 2019-2022, one of which is:
“Digital technologies in the specialized disciplines teaching” program (144 hours, 2022), Innopolis University, Innopolis.
Professional activity:
Scientific activity:
Fields of scientific interests:
- neurobiocontrol,
- sports and restorastive medicine,
- physical rehabilitation,
- psychophysiological rehabilitation.
Since 2003 to 2009, she worked at the Research Institute “Activities in Extreme Conditions” of the Siberian State University (Omsk) as a Junior Researcher, later – as a researcher.
Participant and speaker at conferences of various levels, including the World Universiade (2019, Krasnoyarsk)
Implementation of scientific guidance for bachelors, masters on the implementation of diplomas and dissertations, scientific guidance for a 2-year Post-Graduate Student (Iran).
Works on a doctoral dissertation on the neurobiocontrol application in sports (specialty code: 3.1.33 – Restorative medicine, sports medicine, physical therapy, balneology and physiotherapy (biological sciences), scientific advisor – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Yu.V. Koryagina.
Academic activity:
Since 2003 to 2011 – worked at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of Physical Culture and Sports of the Siberian State University (Omsk) – teaching and certification of academic disciplines of biomedical profile;
Since 2009 to 2011 – worked at the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, which was merged and renamed subsequently as the Department of Adaptive Physical Culture, teaching and certification of academic disciplines in the department’s profile;
Since 2011 to 2017 – worked at the Department of Physical Education, expanded and subsequently allocated to the Department of Adaptive Physical Culture of the Omsk State University – development of educational and methodological material, teaching and certification of academic disciplines in the department’s profile;
Since 2017 to the present – works at the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Massage and Health-Improving Physical Culture named after I.M. Sarkizov-Serazini, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (Moscow) – development of educational and methodological material, teaching and certification of academic disciplines in the department’s profile.
Cooperates with the “Akademia”, “Sovetskij Sport” publishing houses in preparation of educational and methodological works for the publication.
Author of 62 scientific papers indexed in the national bibliographic database of scientific citation (Russian Scientific Citation Index), including 1 monograph, 4 textbooks, 1 certificate for the database registration “Dynamics of cognitive and emotional indicators during the neurobiological control of the beta-rhythm of the brain in athletes”, the number of citations – 32, the Hirsch index – 3.
Co-author of the “Massage and therapeutic physical culture” textbook (Biryukov A.A., Lunina N.V., 2019. Publishing house “Akademia”), recommended by the Federal Educational and Methodological Department as a textbook for programs and preparation of the bachelor's degree in the “Physical culture”, “Physical culture for disabled people (adaptive physical culture)” specialties.