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Koryagina Yu. V. Hardware-software complexes of research of psychophysiological features of athletes / Yu.V. Koryagina, S. V. Nopin // – Omsk : Sibgufc publishing House. - 2012. - Between 70 and 78 C.
Yu. V. Koryagina, Sibgufk, S. V. Nopin, oniip, Omsk
Keywords: hardware-software complex, athletes, psychophysiological features, psychomotor abilities, psychological properties, tests, testing.
The problem of creation of instrumental methods of research of psychophysiological features of athletes. Urgency. Different sports have their own specific requirements to the psychophysiological characteristics of the involved. The study of these features is necessary both at the stages of selection and sports orientation, and to control the functional state during the training process, the implementation of the accumulated potential in competitive activity. However, the currently existing hardware and software complexes (APC) research of psychophysiological features of man, are not sufficiently adapted for the analysis of these properties in athletes. Goal. Development of hardware and software systems for the study of psychophysiological features of athletes. Hypothesis. We assume that the currently available scientific developments in the field of psychophysiology, physiology of sports and information technologies allow us to create a specialized hardware and software complex for instrumental research of psychophysiological features of athletes.