Science degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic status: Professor
Place of work: the Federal State Budgetary Institution North Caucasus Federal Research and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.
Position: Chief editor deputy, Head of the biomedical technology center of the FSBI NCFRCC of the FMBA of Russia
SPIN-code: 2561-9482, AuthorID: 140455, ORCID: 0000-0001-5468-0636, Wos ResearcherID: 2823-2013, Scopus: 55961321400, google scholar: xxxy2d0AAAAJ
The author of more than 400 scientific works, including 7 monographs, 23 learning guides, 15 certificates of intellectual property. High achiever of physical culture, member of the task group of chronobiology and chronomedicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She trained 5 PhDs of Biological Sciences and 1 PhD of Medical Sciences Hirsch index is 22, citation index of RSCI is 1664.
Professional activities are related to the development and scientific justification of methods of diagnostics and recovery of athletes.
Specialty code is 03.03.01 Physiology (biological area).
Membership in other editorial boards: "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture", "Resort Medicine", “Modern Issues of Biomedicine”.