Science degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic status: Professor
Place of work: the Federal State Budgetary Education Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian State Medical University”
Position: Professor of the department of pharmacology
SPIN-code: 7391-5386, AuthorID: 183159.
Scientific activity: 1 defended doctoral dissertation, 4 defended PhD dissertations. She is the author of more than 200 scientific works, 18 learning guides, 1 patent. Member of the doctoral dissertation committee of the Siberian State Medical University, member of the doctoral dissertation committee of the Tomsk State University, member of the dissertation board “Microelements in medicine” (Moscow). Member of the task group of the Siberian State Medical University “Investigation and research of new medicinal products. Issues of pharmacy”. Russian Science Citation Index – 271, Hirsch Index – 7.
Specialty code is 03.03.01 Physiology (biological area).
Membership in other editorial boards: "Modern Issues of Biomedicine".